Monday, June 8, 2009

Maura's story


Elsa D. said...

Erin, I have no idea how I got it embeded

Anonymous said...

Elsa, I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. You and your upcoming surgery are in my prayers. I miss you and Maya so much! :) I will be home for a couple days in august, we will have to meet up for coffee! :)

Erin said...

Elsa, well, obviously you are the techie queen and I bow at your feet. :)
How kind of you to post this.
Enjoy your juicing and tumeric and olive oil and thoughts of a tumor-free abdomen and a chemo-free vacation! Abracos, oracoes e pensamentos positivos mando-te. ~Erin

tapioca said...

vi o video com muito carinho e emoção.
Há histórias que acabam mal e outras , felizmente a grande maioria, acaba bem. "Viveram felizes para sempre"....