Saturday, June 20, 2009

It is me posting. Zé is home trying to get Maya and Filipa ready to come visit me.
This morning I got disconnected from my IV and my epidural and that feels great. At the moment I am only connected to the foley and the internet, off course. ;-)

They put me on a liquid diet. I really hate the liquid diet from the hospital. It consists of things that I never drink when I am doing fine, imagine how it feels in my stomach right now. I have only been able to eat a little bit of yellow jello. But I have asked Ze to bring me a broth made of manioc (mandioca in Portuguese, yuca in Spanish).

My oncologist from Dana Farber stopped by to see how I am doing. I confess that I was feeling a bit anxious before his visit. I was thinking how sick I am of being sick before his visit. But Dr. Morgan has a way to erase all my fears and always brings a smile to my face. And most important of all, gives me hope that we will beat this together.

If my intestines do what the doctors want (if I answer yes to the famous questions: have you passed gas?) I will go home tomorrow. The only way to wake up my intestines is to walk walk and walk. I brought a pedometer with me (later I'll do a post of what to pack when you are hospitalized due to surgery) that I just used. My pedometer is saying that I took 999 steps this morning.

Right now I am going to drink this tasteless chicken broth that I have in front of me.

1 comment:

JV said...

Fica sabendo que és ansiosamente aguardada em Portugal para teres o tratamento que mereces. Beijos