Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dear friends,
Thank you for all the comments and messages you have written to cheer me up. They worked. I am back to my normal self.

Usually my surgeries take place just two or three days after I find out that I need one. The great advantage is that I don't have time to think about it. This time I have extra time to google liposarcoma surgeries on YouTube... don´t try it.

Maya is keeping track of how many days I have left. She is telling me, right now, that I still have eleven days until the surgery. I am exercising, resting and eating well. The internet says it helps. My friend Michelle is also getting ready for her sarcoma surgery. I am glad she heals as well as I do.

My next 2 weeks will be filled with juicing, cleansing and eating really well. I heal so well and want to be in great shape going into this surgery.

Yesterday we ate the first salad from the garden.

With lettuce, watercress and every herb I have growing: oregano, thyme, parsley, mint, basil, sage and chives. I covered the salad with lots of tumeric, black pepper and olive oil (a combination that many say is a good ally in this battle).

I wish my mother or tia Pilar lived closer to help me with my hospital pajamas. I'll show you the end product when I finish it. Yesterday I bought fabric and Velcro. I am only using the white Velcro, the skin tone Velcro is for my surgeon. It will be this time that Dr. M. B. will put some Velcro on my incision.

Today, I am going to the beach. I need to dive in the (cold cold) Atlantic.



Pipas said...

A salada está com optimo aspecto, tens que me ensinar a plantar... Quando vieres cá tens o páteo por tua conta :-)
Quero ver como te sais como "modista".
beijos grandes

Jessie said...

O quê? Vais fazer tu mesma os pijamas? Herdaste os dotes da mamã Marlene, sortuda. Adorei os tecidos, têm um ar muito fresco e confortável. Bjs

tapioca said...

tu não podes calcular o que eu daria para estar aí e fazer os teus pijamas "à la carte".
Mas com os genes da tua mãe que deves ter.... vai ficar um modelito de primeira. Sugiro que registes a patente senão aparece um Dior ou Augustos e.... zás!
Beijinhos minha querida