Sunday, January 4, 2009

resolution #1


Since I am not fanatically devoted to meat or fish I have decided to become a vegetarian (one that eats shellfish once in a while since I can´t give up the crabs my brother Tó makes).

It has not been easy to convince some members of my family to stop giving me meat but here are some convincing facts (YES José Pedro Barbosa Estrela, this post is for you):
  1. Animals raised for food eat enough grain to feed the world.
  2. Eating 1lb of meat emits the same amount of green house gases as driving an SUV 40 miles.


Pipas said...

Elsa... Estou contigo, também passo muito bem sem carne e tornar-me vegetariana é só uma questão de tempo... Vamos trocar umas receitas. Tenho um livro só com receitas vegetarianas, vou mandando algumas, ok?

Anonymous said...

Então, já não vamos ao rodisio?
OK, tá bem, vamos ao iam chá comer uns hak cau, siu mai.

tapioca said...

oh Duduca!
Se calhar é mau ir ao iam chá........
Morro de saudades.

Elsa D. said...

pois... vou ser uma vegetariana que quando vai ao I am Chá nao pergunta o que é que está a comer e pensa é tudo cogumelos picados

Anonymous said...

There is a reason cows do not eat meat is because they can't.

If people did not eat the animals raised for food, soon there would be so many grain eating animals that they would eat all the grain in the world and then they would all go hungry and then they would die, creating a major health catastrophe. Therefore eating meat is a good thing because it prevents unnecessary hunger and suffering. SO THERE!

Anonymous said...

Things that make you go uhm!