Friday, December 12, 2008

What Wonderful News

My tumors are stable. Wake me up. I must be dreaming!

Better yet, our tumors are stable. Iris also has a retro. liposarcoma and we started Brivanib on the same day. We have been treated by the same teams, in NY and Boston. And today we both heard good news.

Yes, stable is wonderful in the sarcoma world.


JV said...

Querida Elsa,
Um beijo enorme. Estou muito feliz por ti. A vida é uma coisa maravilhosa

Miguel S. said...

...a minha primeira e melhor prenda de Natal! :-)

Anonymous said...

Força nisso, next time your tumours will be shrinking.

Anonymous said...

Querida Elsa,
Feliz Natal! Que bom presente!

Clarinha (Mansfield)

fylisfe said...

^-^ I'm soo happy!!

Anonymous said...


tapioca said...

é mesmo o MELHOR presente de Natal!
um beijo muuuuuuuuuuuuuuito grande do fundo do meu coração.

Pipas said...

Que notícia maravilhosaaaaaaa.....Vais ver que é só o começo de muitas. Estou muito feliz... beijocas enormes

Anonymous said...

Ay chihuahua! Elsa, I had a strong feeling about this, after all our beloved Baby has never been wrong before...nonetheless 8 years is a long time to wait for such good news. Your ability to walk tall and smile and hope all these years has been a great lesson in courage ( e teimosia :))
First Obama, now this...our cup runneth over my dear is full of unexpected blessings and every day is truly a gift.

Now it's time to paaartay...I am soooooo pumped!


Anonymous said...

Elsa! I am so INCREDIBLY happy for you and your family! :-) Sending lots of love your way!

Elsa D. said...

Queridos amigos
Continuo eufórica. Estou a andar nas nuvens com ajuda da transfusao de ontem e das vossas mensagens. love you

Eric, you know what this means to all of us, retro lipo travellers! HOPE
A big Hug

Beth, I feel like I am walking on air. Miss you

Anonymous said...

que bom Elsa,

Anonymous said...

elsie, só agora vim ao blog e vi esta notícia maravilhosa! que bom, mas que bom, mas que bom bom bom! estou nas nuvens contigo. bjs mil, jessie

Gabby said...

Everybody dance now!

Anonymous said...

hola Elsa!
MUCHISIMAS FELICIDADES!Es la mejor noticia de toda la Navidad!
Muchos besitos desde España,ya sabes que te queremos muchisimo!

Elsa D. said...

Loli, Nuno, Mário e Nocas
falamos muito de voces ontem (com a Pipas) com muitas saudades!
muchos besitos