Friday, December 12, 2008

Going on.

So we are at the Sloan and for the first time Elsa is going on past the six week mark. Although it is hard to measure her masses, so that some appear to have shown growth and one shrinkage, the over all growth was around the 10% mark, thus below the 20% treshold, which is the amount of growth where the tumors are considered stable.

In other words, the news is good. No new tumors and overall growth less than 10%. It's Christmas time and we are happy.

The doctor was also happy. She is clearly amazed that Elsa shows no signs of ill health and feels positive and good, take away the normal fatigue. The doctor decided to give Elsa a little iron transfusion to see if she can feel even less fatigued. A good thing since she has friends coming over for lunch on Sunday (i.e. I won't have to do everything. Eh, eh, eh).

I'm probably mumbling but I am also feeling very happy and ecstatic that she is going on. In another six weeks they will check again and hopefully the news will be good again.

It's been a long day, but with news like this, it does not matter.

Elsa was also happy this morning when Iris, who started her treatment on the same day as Elsa, also received news that her tumors were stable.

So onwards with the fight.



1 comment:

Pipas said...

Estou muito feliz por todos Zé. A Elsa é uma mulher de armas e como se costuma dizer "atrás de uma grande mulher está sempre um grande homem" (Isto era ao contrário mas vai dar ao mesmo.. eh eh).
Um grande beijo à "Família Maravilha"