Friday, October 17, 2008

My long and "bery" sweet break (since surgery in June) is coming to an end. I spent the Summer preparing my body for the upcoming combat (with a balanced diet, exercise and relaxation) and now I am ready to return to the battlefield (this time in NYC). The Hope is that R7112, my new weapon, will target the MDM2, and get my wild P53 to work and kill my cancer cells.

:))) this is how I understand the Nutlin-MDM2-p53 diagrams my oncologists, Dr. Jeffrey Morgan and Dr. Geoffrey Shapiro, patiently drew and explained to me.

1 comment:

tapioca said...

estamos todos juntos a "torcer" com todas as nossas energias para que resulte bem este novo tratamento.
No Porto e em Sevilha estamos contigo sempre no nosso pensamento e nos nossos corações