Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sandy at Dana Farber

Elsa was back at Infusion 1 at Dana Farber. It has been seven years, almost to the day, that she first started treatment at Dana Farber. Back in 2003 and throughout 2004, Sandy, a volunteer at DF, kept Elsa's spirits up and today it was no exception. Diane, Elsa's nurse back then, greeted her with a big smile as she alwyas did and Elsa was clearly happy to see her again.

Elsa is being treated with Doxil, to see if her tumors stop growing. The current situation is not easy, but from the beginning we decided to fight until it was not possible to fight anymore, and that is what is going on now. Another fight, this time against tumors and constant pain.

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Kathy said...

Elsa, I've missed you and am praying your pain is under control and that those tumors respond to the Doxil. Sending lots of hugs!

Got Hope? I Do! said...

Elsa so glad to see you in the picture. We know how overwhelming it can be to go back to the hospital but their is just something special about seeing that smile that helped you when you needed it most.
Just makes the stay there a little bit bearable.
I am so sorry that the tumors are giving you pain. Hope the chemo treatment will shrink those tumors. Positive vibes out to you always my friend

rodrigo said...

Praticamente todos os dias, ouço histórias de vidas.
Testemunhos, desabafos e lamentos de vidas perdidas que se submergiram e se perderam na imensidão do nosso quotidiano.
No meu trabalho de voluntariado, continuo a acreditar que há sempre tempo de recuperar, que há sempre tempo apesar dos relógios nunca pararem. Por isso não desisto e continuo a fazer o que acho que está certo, ajudar essas vidas, da melhor maneira que sei.
Mas a tua história é diferente, é muito diferente. É de quem não desiste, não quer perder tempo e simplesmente quer viver a vida, esse dom que só se tem uma vez.
Já lá vão umas décadas que não te vejo, mas nunca me esqueci de ti e da tua irmã. O porquê? Nunca soube ao certo, até voltar a saber de ti.
Pela força do teu testemunho por tudo que estás a passar, e apesar de tudo não te esqueces dos outros e nos dás a todos lições de vida. Um exemplo de vida.
Tenho orgulho de te ter conhecido um dia, naquela terra longínqua, …
Rodrigo d`Orey

rodrigo said...
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Pipas said...

Um grande beijinho Elsa, sempre a pensar em ti!

Anonymous said...

Elsa, I am so sorry you have another tumor, that really is the pitts. You must and can beat this and my family and I in the Pacific are all sending the 'win all' vibes your way.
You look beautiful in the last photo, so pretty, and yes with a gorgeous smile. Go Elsa, we can do this and go Doxil you good thing and melt that tumor.
Lots of love, Fliss, Peter and Christopher, who is taller than me now, (marginally) but he thinks this is a victory!! You were right, he will be a walking pole. Thinking of you heaps my dearest darling cousin.

CLARA'S BLOG said...

Ola Elsa,

Beijinhos cheios de amor de Mansfield. Espero que a dor passe depressa.

Pensando em ti,

Unknown said...

Oi Elsica:
Pelo ótimo aspecto que tens na fotografia eu diria que essas dores devem estar quase a desaparecer. Tenho a certeza que vais melhorar rápido.
Fico mesmo feliz por teres reaparecido.
Melhoras rápidas!
Beijinhos grandes!

Mário Cardoso said...

Elsa, de Lisboa a minha admiração pela sua força, pela sua capacidade de luta. Será recompensada por isso. Foi, reconheço-o agora, um exemplo para mim quando me deparei com a necessidade de, há dois anos, defrontar um CIS na bexiga. Felizmente, tudo bem,até agora, mas acreditei sempre ! Beijinhos amigos

tapioca said...

Elsa, minha querida!
Um grande beijo e estamos todos com muita esperança que este novo tratamento vá resultar e logo logo as dores passem.
Beijo também para ti, Zé.
Força aos dois.

Je Vois La Vie en Vert said...

Querida Elsinha,

Espero que acordas rapidamente deste pesadelo e que o deixas para trás para sempre.
Coragem linda menina !

Erin said...

Liekkathy says...I've missed you tons! GRandes beijos e abrac,os fortes e muito, muito amor p'ra ti.

Anonymous said...

Elsa you have really fought this for so long now and your willingness to try every possibility and trial out there has really helped others. It is obvious that more research must be done to fight sarcoma cancer! That is something we must all push for! Enough research is not being done and they say it's because its not common enough. Drug companies need to get on the same page as those fighting this and support the research needed to wipe this out.

Jessie said...

Elsie, beijinho grande e sabes que estás sempre nos meus pensamentos. Love U.

Anonymous said...

Hi Elsa,
Beijocas semi-espanholas e muita força!!

Kathy said...

Happy Thanksgiving, sweetie.
I'm thankful for meeting you on this journey we call Sarcoma.
You're a winner! Always!

Anonymous said...

Hi Elsa, Thinking of you today and greetings from rainy Sydney. I guess it is getting cold in the U.S.
Your parents rang me on Tuesday and I spoke to your Dad for a few minutes. They sound well.
Take care, and lots of love.
fliss. XXX

Erin said...

Saudades de voce.

Anonymous said...

How are you darling? I stumbled on your blog and read it overnight, charmed by your beauty, strenght and grace. Hope all is well,


Got Hope? I Do! said...

Been checking in to see if you have posted anything... I hope all is well and you are doing okay. Positive vibes go out to you always,thinking of you and hoping everything is okay.


CIGANA said...

Hello Elsinha :)
Apenas para te deixar um beijinho de quem nunca te esqueceu! Que a tua dor desapareça e que todos os dias da tua vida sejam sempre lindos, como tu!
Até breve amiguinha.
I do miss you...

Anonymous said...

Elsa, I'm Kevin Foley's wife (Card Blue blog). I have you in my heart.