Monday, July 13, 2009


Elsa is in Portugal, by all accounts, having lots of fun. Last Saturday there was a lunch with colleagues from the Old Liceu (High School) in Macau. She was excited to see her high school friends. Some she had not seen in many many years.

Filipa and Maya are also having fun. They are both keeping a journal, so hopefully they will share it when they come back.

I stayed back in the USA, enjoying the rain, which does not seem to stop. I'll try to post updates as they are relayed to me.




Gabby said...

Uncle Ze, its a beautiful sunny day as was yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ppppp
from, look at the name!!!!!!!!

Got Hope? I Do! said...

Elsa, I am glad to hear that you are finally able to enjoy a very well deserved mini vacation. I am thrilled to hear that you are doing great!

I hope you didn't forget your red shoes.....(haha) Enjoy your visit in Portugal!
Thank you for the update.

CLARA'S BLOG said...

Ola Elsa,

Espero que estejas a gozar umas boas ferias e que o tempo ai esteja muito bom. Telefona quando voltares para eu ir visitar-te. Beijinhos, Clara